Shira Spector


Shira Spector is a Jewish Canadian lesbian cartoonist who earned a BFA in Fibres (with Distinction) from Concordia University in Montreal. Her work has been widely anthologized and exhibited in Toronto where she is transplanted with her wife and son and a succession of rescue dogs.
Shira draws inspiration from theatricality in all its forms whether found in nature or the best parts of aqua musicals. Believing that play and poetry are not luxuries, and that opportunities to embrace the fantastical belong to daily living, she accepts defying the mundane as her personal mission in life.

She is the recipient of grants from Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council,  Koyama Provides, Fund the Change, and a Sustainable Arts Foundation Award (USA). Her debut graphic memoir  RED ROCK BABY CANDY , is published by Fantagraphics.

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